We present you with unranked fresh lol accounts with prestige skin
accounts, you get all the benefits from our other products, but with your selected skin, you can
pick from all league of legends skins.
We want to inform you about the recent changes in Riot's ban system.
Lately, we've noticed an increase in account bans.
It's crucial to understand that not every account is affected,
as it is not a ban wave, but rather a more stringent enforcement system targeting rule violators, this affects all account sellers, not only Turbosmurfs.
Transparency is essential to us, and we must be honest about the situation. We cannot guarantee the safety of our botted accounts we provide due to the current state of affairs.
Therefore, we have to lower our botted accounts warranty to 14 days.
We value our customers' trust and believe in being straightforward with you. If you still wish to proceed and take the risk, you can continue with the purchase at your discretion.
During this period, botted accounts will only come with a 14 day warranty, handleveled accounts remains at lifetime.
An alternative we strongly suggest is purchasing a hand-leveled account. Use the discount code Hand20 to get a 20% discount.